16-Unpolarized and polarized Gluon Distribution Functions in Leading Order and Next-to-Leading Order at small-x
61-Open Charm Analysis at Midrapidity in ALICE using the first year of pp data at √s= 7 TeV
31-Target Excitation Dependence of Fluctuation of Pion Fluctuations in Ultra-relativistic Nuclear Collisions at 200 A GeV
57-Simulation of some astrophysical processes in the laboratory using plasma gun
81-Kaon and Lambda production in heavy ion collisions
74-Study of non-statistical fluctuations in high energy nuclear collisions
145-A Unified Model Approach for Rapidity and Tansverse Mass Distributions in Ultra-relativistic Nuclear Collisions
137-Equation of state for strongly interacting HRG phase and Quark-Hadron Phase transition
23-Implementing the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect in a parton cascade.
33-In-medium hadronization in the deconfined matter at RHIC and LHC
59-Di-muon measurements in CBM experiment at FAIR
144-Thermal photons in QGP and non-ideal effects
68-Sensitivity test and system size effects on the traditional signatures of critical behaviour of nuclear matter at intermediate energies
88-Effect of running coupling on photons from jet - plasma interaction in relativistic heavy ion collisions
89-Jet conversion photons from an anisotropic Quark-Gluon-Plasma
134-GEM Detector Development for a Muon tracker for the CBM experiment at FAIR
163-$J/\Psi$ suppression: Medium modified heavy quark potential and equation of state
93-Extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model with covariant regularization