The submission of abstract is to be online, via the link provided. Please read the following instructions carefully before proceeding:
Click on "submit a new abstract". An already registered user at should use the same account. All other users should click "create an account".
The information requested to create an account, including the username and password that will be used to manage the abstract submission are to be filled up. It is to be noted that the name and contact details provided here will only be used to communicate with authors regarding the submitted abstracts.
After creating an account, login with the new credentials and provide the abstract title and body. Note that the abstract body is limited to 1500 characters, and the both the submission title and body are limited to the standard ASCII character set. Figures and Tables cannot be included. Indicate the preference for a poster or oral presentation. Final assignment will be made by the Scientific Program Committee of the conference.
Provide the names and affiliations of all authors, along with the contact details of the presenting author. Select a conference topic, and after reviewing all data entry, click the "submit" button.
A few minutes after submission, the submitting author will receive an abstract submission confirmation e-mail. This e-mail contains the abstract submission ID number and also provides instructions for modifying or withdrawing the abstract, both of which may be done until the abstract submission deadline.
In case of any problems or questions regarding abstract submission, please e-mail the organizers at [email protected]. Abstract acceptance notification and final assignment of an accepted poster or oral presentation will be made by the date mentioned in the website. Notification will be e-mailed to the address used for submission.
The Scientific Program Committee will judge the abstract according to its relevance to the symposium, objectivity of statements, description of the work performed, conclusions confirmed by objective results, scientific value, originality of the work and English usage. Please note that a paper cannot be considered for inclusion in the symposium program if it has already been presented elsewhere.
Effort will be taken to publish selected papers in a special issue of Journal of Physics: Conference Series after peer review. The format for preparation of manuscript will be available at the conference website.
In case of any problems or questions regarding registration, please e-mail the organizers at [email protected]