5-10 December 2010
6th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma (ICPAQGP 2010)
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Charged particle’s pT spectra and elliptic flow in \sqrt{s}=200 GeV Au+Au collisions: QGP vs. hadronic resonance gas.
Content: Unambiguous identification of the matter produced in \sqrt{s}=200 GeV Au+Au collisions require complete elimination of the possibility of a hot, hadronic resonance gas (HRG) production in initial collisions. Present lattice simulations for the confinement-deconfinement cross-over transition is uncertain, Tc=170-200 MeV[1,2]. Additionally, transition temperature can be up by 30 MeV due to unrealistic boundary conditions in lattice simulations. We have shown [3] that if HRG, with viscosity to entropy ratio \eta/s=0.24, is physical at temperature T=220 MeV, charged particles pT spectra and elliptic flow in Au+Au collisions at RHIC, over a wide range of collision centrality do not distinguish between initial QGP fluid and initial hadronic resonance gas. Unambiguous identification of bulk of the matter produced in Au+Au collisions require clear demonstration that HRG is unphysical at temperature T≤ 200 MeV. It calls for precise lattice simulations with realistic boundary conditions. [1]M.Cheng et al, Phys.Rev.D74,054507(2006), ibid,77,014511(2008) [2]Y. Aoki et al, JHEP 0906,088(2009),Phys.Lett.B643,46(2006) [3]A. K. Chaudhuri, Victor Roy, arXiv:1009.5223.
Id: 104
Room: Main Auditorium
Starting date:
--not yet scheduled--   
Duration: 00'
Primary Authors: Mr. ROY, Victor (SRF)
Co-Authors: Dr. CHAUDHURI, Asis Kumar (VECC)
Presenters: Mr. ROY, Victor