5-10 December 2010
6th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma (ICPAQGP 2010)
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Factorial correlators and Oscillatory multiplicity moments study for Ring and Jet-like events in 32S – Ag/Br interactions at 200 A GeV
Content: In this current investigation, 32S beam with incident momentum 200 A GeV/c was irradiated horizontally on the stacks of Ilford G5 emulsion plates at the CERN in the super proton synchrotron(SPS). A sample of 140 Ag/Br events of 200 A GeV 32S induced interactions are chosen for this analysis[ D. Ghosh, P. K. Haldar et al., Europhys. Lett.56(5) (2001)639-643]. In this paper we have followed the method to search for a ring-like and jet-like substructure described by Adamovich et al [ M. I. Adamovich et al., J. Phys. G19 (1993) 2035]. For the first time in this study we have performed an in depth study of correlators, introduced by Bialas and Peschanski[A. Bialas and R. Peschanski, Nucl. Phys. B273, 703 (1986) ; A. Bialas and R. Peschanski, Nucl. Phys. B308, 857 (1986)] to extract the information about bin-bin correlations into two subgroups of particles – ring-like and jet-like events for pions multiplicity emitted from 32S-Ag/Br interaction at 200A GeV and compared with the results of full data sets [D. Ghosh et al., Phy. Rev. C Vol. 52 , No 4 (1995)2092-2096]. This paper also represents the analysis of ring-like and jet-like events in terms of oscillatory multiplicity moments of 32S – Ag/Br interactions at 200 A GeV. The investigation revealed that the correlated moments increase with decrease in bin-bin separation D, following power law, which suggests the presence of an intermittent nature of self-similar dynamical fluctuations pattern for ring-like and jet-like events. The analysis further shows that the strength of the non-statistical fluctuations is larger for jet like events than those of ring-like events and total events. More or less bin size independence is reproduced for ring and jet-like events and roughly support the α model of intermittency. However, total experimental events are more consistent with the α model of intermittency than ring-like and jet-like events. From the analysis of oscillatory multiplicity moments, the ratios Hq (cumulant over factorial moments Kq/Fq) have been determined for ring-like, jet-like and total events and the presence of few-particle short range correlation has been established. Results on oscillatory multiplicity moments (Hq ) show that these moments are also sensitive to the correlation among produced particles and the experimental results could not be reproduced by the independent emission model. The analysis provides a strong evidence in favour of our data to be dynamically importance. It is also interesting to see that ring-like events oscillate differently from the jet-like events and total events set. It can be argued that in 32S – Ag/Br interactions, at least, these type of oscillations have also a physical origin. It is extremely interesting to observe that the oscillation of ring like events is different from the jet like events and total events. However, in almost all cases, the simulated interactions fail to replicate the experimental results. It is difficult to justify theoretically the observed fluctuation in ring-like and jet-like events. Since there is no model till date which can explain ring-like events; one of the suggestions of the origin of the so called ring-like events is the possible formation of Cherenkov gluon radiation in analogy to Cherenkov electromagnetic radiation. These results are extremely interesting and need serious attention by researcher in this area.
Id: 119
Room: Main Auditorium
Starting date:
--not yet scheduled--   
Duration: 00'
Primary Authors: Mr. MANNA, SANJIB KUMAR (Dinhata College, Dinhata , Dist: Cooch Behar, West Bengal, pin-736135)
Co-Authors: Dr. HALDAR, Prabir Kumar (Dinhata College, Dinhata , Dist: Cooch Behar, West Bengal, pin-736135)