1st Announcement
CNT workshop on
Quarkonia production and suppression in
High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions
13-15 February 2017
Department of Physics, University of Calcutta
This is the first announcement of the workshop "Quarkonia Production and Suppression in High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions". This is a part of the centenary celebration of the Department of Physics, University of Calcutta. The workshop will be funded by Centre for Nuclear Theory and University Grants Commission.
There will be a few review talks in this area and we expect to accommodate some more presentations from the researchers working in this field. Those who would like to attend and present their works should contact and send the abstracts by email to the address given below by 15'th December 2016. Participation is by invitation only.
Abhijit Bhattacharyya (University of Calcutta)
Gautam Gangopadhyay (University of Calcutta)
Sourav Sarkar (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)
abhattacharyyacu [AT] gmail.com
abphy [AT] caluniv.ac.in